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We've got a new home

We've been making music for years in basements in a few different neighborhoods, and it's been a blast. Sure, sometimes the floors flood, or a track gets scratched cause you can hear water running through the pipes. But we've been lucky because we've always had a home with neighbors that can tolerate us making music. And now, Mellowscape has some new digs.

Our new studio (Mellowspace? we'll see) is a perfect spot for us to write, practice, and record. Follow us as we moved from our last basement to the new studio in our 2-part moving series below. First, we had to do a little cleaning up...

Once we got the new studio to our, uh, high standard, we had to move all the drum, bass, drum, guitar, and drum equipment. OH, and the extra drum gear. Almost forgot about that. Everyone loves a good move!

After getting settled, we figured the best way to test the space is a new series of session videos. We're proud to present our new series - the Studio Sessions. Come hang with us as we play some oldies and some new tunes. Pop a squat, compliment our excellent painting skills, and stay mellow listening to songs like Born to be Mild.


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